Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Assignments & Trades Custom Freebies Network

Choose Your Assignment Site(s) Below - Must Complete FOUR Sites In ONE Week To Qualify For Bonuses!!!

This file lists all the sites in the Custom Freebies Network and how much I am paying for each one that you complete. I recommend starting out with the easy sites and working your way up to the more difficult sites as you get the hang of it.

 Steps For Payment

 Complete the required amount of Credits required for that particular site (ie: 0.50, 1.00, 1.50,etc...) and take detailed notes of cancellation dates, etc... Never cancel an offer before the required amount of time you must use it, so read all information carefully. (If you cancel offers too soon you may go "RED" which basically means you will have to correct the situation in order to be able to complete sites and get paid at that particular Freebie Network")

Check your email to make sure you have received a confirmation email from the offer site. (Save all emails from the sites where you completed the offers in case it doesn't credit and you have to turn it in to the site for an MCR)

I will also receive an email telling me I can cash out. You must have a PayPal account in order for me to pay you!

Make $460.00

Simply One Custom Freebies - Earn $14 ( 1.00 Credit)
Easy Cash Custom Freebies - Earn $14 ( 1.00 Credit)
Half Dollar Custom Freebies - Earn $14 ( 1.00 Credit)  
Click Two Custom Freebies - Earn $18 ( 1.00 Credit)
40 Bux Custom Freebies - Earn $23 (1.00 Credit)
Pick2 Custom Freebies - Earn $18 ( 1.00 Credit)
Kid Zone Custom Freebies - Earn $23 ( 1.00 Credit)
Cash Custom Freebies - $23 (1.00 Credit)
PayPal Custom Freebies - Earn $23 (1.00 Credit) 
Gizmos Custom Freebies - Earn $33 (1.00 Credit)
Cameras Custom Freebies - Earn $41 ( 1.00 Credit)
Quick 60 Custom Freebies - Earn $41 ( 1.00 Credit)
Bankers 80 Custom Freebies - Earn $52 (2.00 Credits)
Double Dollar Custom Freebies - Earn $61 (2.00 Credits)

Assignments & Trades Superior Freebies Network

Choose Your Assignment Site(s) Below - Must Complete FOUR Sites In ONE Week To Qualify For Bonuses!!!

This file lists all the sites in the Superior Freebies Network and how much I am paying for each one that you complete. I recommend starting out with the easy sites and working your way up to the more difficult sites as you get the hang of it.

 Steps For Payment

 Complete the required amount of Credits required for that particular site (ie: 0.50, 1.00, 1.50,etc...) and take detailed notes of cancellation dates, etc... Never cancel an offer before the required amount of time you must use it, so read all information carefully. (If you cancel offers too soon you may go "RED" which basically means you will have to correct the situation in order to be able to complete sites and get paid at that particular Freebie Network")

Check your email to make sure you have received a confirmation email from the offer site. (Save all emails from the sites where you completed the offers in case it doesn't credit and you have to turn it in to the site for an MCR)

I will also receive an email telling me I can cash out. You must have a PayPal account in order for me to pay you!

Make $490.00 

Half Superior Freebies – Earn $14 (0.50 Credit)
Breezy Superior Freebies – Earn $14 (0.50 Credit)
First25 Superior Freebies – Earn $18 (1.00 Credit)
Speedy25 Superior Freebies – Earn $18 (1.00 Credit)
Easy Superior Freebies – Earn $21 (1.00 Credit)
Smooth Superior Freebies – Earn $21 (1.00 Credit)
FabForty Superior Freebies - Earn $29 (1.00 Credit)
Superior Freebies - Earn $29 (1.00 Credit)  
Fortune50 Superior Freebies - Earn $32 (1.00 Credit)
Nifty50 Superior Freebies - Earn $32 (1.00 Credit)
Extra Superior freebies Earn $43 (1.50 Credits)
Super75 Superior Freebies - Earn $53 (1.00 Credit)
Double Superior Freebies - Earn $66 (2.00 Credits)

Assignments & Trades ZipNadaZilch Freebie Network

Choose Your Assignment Site(s) Below - Must Complete FOUR Sites In ONE Week To Qualify For Bonuses!!!

This file lists all the sites in the ZipNadaZilch Freebies Network and how much I am paying for each one that you complete. I recommend starting out with the easy sites and working your way up to the more difficult sites as you get the hang of it.

 Steps For Payment

Complete the required amount of Credits required for that particular site (ie: 0.50, 1.00, 1.50,etc...) and take detailed notes of cancellation dates, etc... Never cancel an offer before the required amount of time you must use it, so read all information carefully. (If you cancel offers too soon you may go "RED" which basically means you will have to correct the situation in order to be able to complete sites and get paid at that particular Freebie Network")

Check your email to make sure you have received a confirmation email from the offer site. (Save all emails from the sites where you completed the offers in case it doesn't credit and you have to turn it in to the site for an MCR)

I will also receive an email telling me I can cash out. You must have a PayPal account in order for me to pay you!

Budget ZNZ - Earn $14 (0.50 Credit) 

Quick ZNZ – Earn $14 (0.50 Credit)
One ZNZ– Earn $14 (0.50 Credit)
Easy ZNZ – Earn $18 (1.00 Credit)
Simple ZNZ -  Earn $18 (1.00 Credit)
PayPal ZNZ- Earn $29 (1.00 Credit)
PlayStation ZNZ- Earn $29 (1.00 Credit)
Big Cash ZNZ- Earn $41 (1.00 Credit)
Games ZNZ- Earn $53 (1.50 Credit) 

Double cash ZNZ- Earn $66 (2.00 Credit)
All In One ZNZ- Earn $98 (3.00 Credit)

Assignment #4 Advertising Marketing Systems & Scams

Different ways and places to advertise and how to advertise freebies. Freebie marketing systems and what they have to offer. What to avoid and why.

Assignment #4  Advertising Marketing Systems & Scams

1.) Register at any Freebie Network website listed in this blog.

2.) Go to the offers tab, scroll down and click on "cost" and then click on "refresh"

3.) Map out what offers you need to complete the Freebie site.

4.) Complete one offer, leave confirmation page open, and check your email for company confirmation. Save the confirmation email in a file.

5.) Complete another offer and repeat above steps to reach an amount of  Credit(s) required.

Once offers are credited, I will recieve an email informing me, and I will then request payment. Superior Freebies generally pays within an hour, so you will receive your earnings pretty quickly!

Was this information and assignment informative and easy to understand?

Assignment #3 Freebie Blogs, Groups, Forums, Websites & Threads

How to get freebie sites without completing offers. Freebie trading, how to get started as a trader and where to trade. Setting up your own blogs, etc...

How to Get Freebie Sites 

I always recommend completing several sites with a Freebie Trader at first in order to learn about Freebie Trades and earn at the same time, but eventually there will come a time when you will run out of enough offers to complete a site, and you will want to start focusing on getting referrals of your own and becoming a Freebie Trader. Most sites will give you a free credit by simply rquesting it ( inbox me for text I use.)

How to Get Started as a Freebie Trader 

To get started as a Freebie Trader, you need several sites and at least a couple of freebie networks (refer to Assignment #2) to be able to offer a wide variety of Trades because not every person will want to complete a bunch of sites, and may just want to do one higher paying site for some quick cash. Once you decide to become a Freebie Trader, you have to decide what you are willing to pay for sites, and again, this will vary greatly. I choose to pay the majority of my referral fee, because the person I'm trading with is doing most the work. Look around at different Freebie Traders and how what they pay and try to come up with something unique to catch a prospective attention, and make you stand out.

Where to Trade

I started out through Freebie Trading Forums, but they may require you to complete a cretain amount of trades and forum posts before you are allowed to post your own Freebie Trading Thread. Some even require you to pay for a monthly or yearly subscription in order to post your trades. There is also a lot of competition and if another Trader is paying higher for trades, you will be less likely to obtain referrals. Additionally, your account may be banned, for whatever reason, and you lose all your hard work. There are a few reputable Freebie Trading forums, and these can be found by searching the Internet. Just do your homework when choosing one to post your Freebie Trading Thread; Do they charge a fee to post? Are the reviews good or bad? Do they limit the amount of money you can offer for a Trade? I personally have found much more success setting up my own blogs, etc...

Setting Up Your Freebie Trading Blog, Etc... 

You can set up Freebie Trading on Facebook, free & paid blogs, websites and even advertise offline by passing out fliers. Find a blogging site where you want to set up your main Freebie Trading and simply copy and paste the information into several blogs. Keep it simple. You can list several trades or just a few, but remember, the more freebie sites you have, the more cash you make. Some blogging sites even PAY you to blog (more info in Assignment #4) and you can make multiple streams of revenue!

Offer Terms and Records

Read each offer very carefully, Is there a high authorization fee? Are there boxes checked for other offers you don't want? Does the offer have any special requirements to cancel?

Keep detailed records of all offers: Name of Freebie site, offer, date, cost, web address, phone number, any login info and cancellation date.

Please copy assignment into a group doc file and put assignment # in the subject line. Include notes about what offers you completed, etc...

A few offers I DO NOT recommend unless you plan to keep them because they have a high authorization fee;  Grant Money Now FREE Trial Offer, Smart Retail Savings Club, Family SafeLife FREE Trial Offer.

$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Assignment #3

1.) Register at any Freebie Network website listed in this blog.

2.) Go to the offers tab, scroll down and click on "cost" and then click on "refresh"

3.) Map out what offers you need to complete the Freebie site.

4.) Complete one offer, leave confirmation page open, and check your email for company confirmation. Save the confirmation email in a file.

5.) Complete another offer and repeat above steps to reach an amount of  Credit(s) required.

Once offers are credited, I will recieve an email informing me, and I will then request payment. Superior Freebies generally pays within an hour, so you will receive your earnings pretty quickly!

Was this information and assignment informative and easy to understand?

Assignment #2 Freebie Networks, Offers & Credits

The different freebie networks and how they rate offers with credits. Freebie Network Levels. The different levels of the freebie networks and how they work. How and when to cancel an offer.

Freebie Networks 

There are several different kinds and types of Freebie networks. Some require you to obtain several referrals, to cash out, and some only require you to have one, but you are given the option on whether you want to wait until you obtain more before you cash out.  Most of the Freebie networks have the same offers, with a few variations, depending upon the network and the companies they work with. It is best to work with a well established, reputable Freebie network, to avoid any scams, so do a little research on the Internet and ask around. (For this class, I will work with Superior Freebies, ZipnadaZilch)
Freebie Network Levels

Each Freebie network has several levels of sites, starting at $20 per site up to $130. the higher the pay out, the more offers you and your referrals will have to do to earn. These will vary greatly, as the offers are being updated regularly, which is why it is important to map/plan out your offers, before starting.

Superior Freebies Network  Levels

$20 (1-3 offers)
$25 (2-4 offers)
$30 (2-4 offers)
$40 (3-5 offers)
$50 (4-6 offers)
$60 (5-8 offers)
$75 (6-9 offers)
$80 (7-10 offers)

Credit & Offer Ratings

Freebie Networks label their offers pretty much the same. The purpose of this is to reach a certain amount of credits. For this class, the crediting system we will be working with will be in decimals. Generally, the higher rated offers will allow you to complete fewer offers to reach the Credit(s) you need to be paid. Most of the offers allow you to file a Missing Credit Request (MCR) but if you complete an offer that does not allow it and it doesn't credit, then you may not file an MCR. No MCRs allowed, are boldy marked in red in the offer instructions that pop up when you hold your mouse over the offer. Thats why it is very important to use Firefox or Opera Browser, clear cookies and take down any firewalls and disable popup blockers, to ensure optimum crediting. Never clear cookies while and after completing offers, as this will help avoid unneccessary hassles such as, sending in your email confirmations.

How & When to Cancel an Offer

While mapping out which offers you want to complete, you have to decide; Is this an offer I may decide to keep? If I want to cancel, what do I do. Most often, cancelling an offer can be as simple as logging into the account at the offer site and clicking on cancel. Other times though, you may have to call the company and verbally cancel, which it is why it is also very important to keep detailed records ( please refer to Assignment #1) so as to easily cancel. Always write down any cancelled offer confirmation numbers and dates, in the rare case that you are charged, so as to receive a refund. Rule of thumb when cancelling an offer is to keep and use the offer for most of the trial period (ie: keep a 7 day trial for 5 days, a 30 day trial for 25 days.) If you cancel an offer too early, you risk going "Red" which means you will not be credited or have your credit revoked, and will have to complete a replacement offer to bring yourself back into good standing. You always want to avoid going Red as that will thwart you from completing anymore sites with that particluar Freebie Network.

Offer Terms and Records

Read each offer very carefully, Is there a high authorization fee? Are there boxes checked for other offers you don't want? Does the offer have any special requirements to cancel?

Keep detailed records of all offers: Name of Freebie site, offer, date, cost, web address, phone number, any login info and cancellation date.

Please copy assignment into a group doc file and put assignment # in the subject line. Include notes about what offers you completed, etc...

A few offers I DO NOT recommend unless you plan to keep them because they have a high authorization fee;  Grant Money Now FREE Trial Offer, Smart Retail Savings Club, Family SafeLife FREE Trial Offer.

$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Assignment #2

1.) Register at any Freebie Network website listed in this blog.

2.) Go to the offers tab, scroll down and click on "cost" and then click on "refresh"

3.) Map out what offers you need to complete the Freebie site.

4.) Complete one offer, leave confirmation page open, and check your email for company confirmation. Save the confirmation email in a file.

5.) Complete another offer and repeat above steps to reach an amount of  Credit(s) required.

Once offers are credited, I will recieve an email informing me, and I will then request payment. Superior Freebies generally pays within an hour, so you will receive your earnings pretty quickly!

Was this information and assignment informative and easy to understand?

Assignment #1 Introduction to Freebie Trading

Going over history of freebie trading, and how it can benefit you. Joining and Completing Offers, Referrals & Selling Freebies. How to make sure offers are credited.

History of Freebie Trading 

Freebies are free and discounted promotions from Fortune 500 companies seeking customers. These companies pay an affiliate to locate the customers for their products and/or services (offers) by offering "freebies" or discounts. This type of targeted advertising has evolved into Freebie Trading, which simply consists of affiliates paying/trading the customers a portion of their commission for them to sample the offers. Customers are under no obligation to continue receiving the product or service beyond the trial period.

How Freebie Trading Can Benefit You

Maybe you are interested in an offer but would prefer to sample it before purchase. Not only do you receive it free or at a special discounted price, but you also earn a prize (cash) for just trying it out (you can also choose to receive a prize, ie: phone, laptop, etc... once you have completed a site and start obtaining referrals.) Additionally, you can also earn from anybody else who samples the products. The cash prizes are paid daily, with no minimum required to be paid. The coolest aspect of Freebie Trading is that if you joined a Freebie site without being referred, you AND your referral would have to complete the offers before you would be paid, but Freebie Trading allows you to earn immediately. Plus, you are actually receiving some of the money that companies spend to advertise to YOU.

Joining & Completing Offers  

The very first thing you do is use either Firefox or Opera browser and clear your cookies and disable popup blockers and firewalls. This will ensure that ALL your offers will credit properly and save unnecessary hastles. When you join the Freebie site, you will receive a special numeric code to input into the site to confirm your account. Not all Freebies sites require this to be done. Make sure to use your PayPal email in order to be paid promptly, but some Freebies sites will have additional payment options (I personally pay by PayPal only.) One you are signed in, go to the "offers" tab and scroll down and click on the search term "cost" then click on the "refresh" button. This will display all of the free offers at the top of the page. Each Freebie site requires a certain amount of Credits to be completed. Offers are labeled with Credit amounts such as; .10.20, etc... so if you need 1/2 Credit (.50) you will need to complete .20.30, etc... to complete the Freebies site and be paid. If the site requires 1 Credit (1.00) you will need to complete .50 .30 .20, etc... ( please refer to the Super Freebies Crediting file.) This same rule applys to your referrals.

Example of offers

Selling Freebies

Another way to make money from the Freebies sites is to sell the items you receive, from either the offers you complete or the "prize" you choose when you start getting signups of your own. The cool thing about this is, say for example you received a free pocket watch and paid only $4.95 for shipping and handling. You already got paid cash for completing the offer, including your investment of $4.95, so if you sell it for $10 you actually trippled your initail investment. Or say for instance, you got the required amount of referrals who completed offers and you received a laptop, you sell it for $200 and make that free. There are lots of possibilities, as the offers are updated and refreshed regularly.

How to Make Sure Offers Are Credited

I previously mentioned that you will need to use either Firefox or Opera browser and clear your cookies and disable popup blockers and firewalls. Another important step is to leave the confirmation page for completed offers open for at least 5 - 10 minutes. This allows time for the cookies to be transmitted to the site and your offers to credit properly. There may be a time when your offers do not credit. Simply copy and paste the company's confirmation email with full headers (I suggest using a gmail email account) into the Freebies site support section and offer will be credited (some Freebie sites only allow two Manual Credit Request (MCRs) per month.) In addition, only complete offers that will allow you to file an MCR, as a few don't (this will be highlighted in red.) Some offers credit "instantly and some credit with hours or days. Inbox me or contact me on Skype (julietrs3) with any questions : )

Click on "show original" to get the full headers in Gmail accounts

Offer Terms and Records

Read each offer very carefully, Is there a high authorization fee? Are there boxes checked for other offers you don't want? Does the offer have any special requirements to cancel?

Keep detailed records of all offers: Name of Freebie site, offer, date, cost, web address, phone number, any login info and cancellation date.

Please copy assignment into a group doc file and put assignment # in the subject line. Include notes about what offers you completed, etc...

A few offers I DO NOT recommend unless you plan to keep them, because they have a high authorization fee;  Grant Money Now FREE Trial Offer, Smart Retail Savings Club, Family SafeLife FREE Trial Offer.

$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Assignment #1 -

1.) Register at any Freebie Network website listed in this blog.

2.) Go to the offers tab, scroll down and click on "cost" and then click on "refresh"

3.) Map out what offers you need to complete the Freebie site.

4.) Complete one offer, leave confirmation page open, and check your email for company confirmation. Save the confirmation email in a file.

5.) Complete another offer and repeat above steps to reach an amount of  Credit(s) required.

Once offers are credited, I will recieve an email informing me, and I will then request payment. Superior Freebies generally pays within an hour, so you will receive your earnings pretty quickly!

Was this information and assignment informative and easy to understand?

Class Schedule

MONDAY: Introduction to Freebie Trading. Going over history of freebie trading, and how it can benefit you. Completing Offers, Referrals & Selling Freebies. How to make sure offers are credited. Assignment #1

TUESDAY: Freebie Networks, Offers & Credits. The different freebie networks and how they rate offers with credits. Freebie Network Levels. The different levels of the freebie networks and how they work. How and when to cancel an offer. Assignment #2

WEDNESDAY: Freebie Blogs, Groups, Forums, Websites & Threads. How to get freebie sites. Freebie trading, how to get started as a trader and where to trade. Setting up your own blogs, etc... Assignment #3

THURSDAY: Advertising Marketing Systems & Scams. Different ways and places to advertise and how to advertise freebies. Freebie marketing systems and what they have to offer. What to avoid and why. Assignment #4

FRIDAY: Conclusion. Open questions, suggestions and completing and turning in assignments. Tutoring available all day.

SATURDAY: Graduation Bonuses. For all students who successfully complete FOUR assignments within ONE week, they will receive a cash bonus and be entered into a monthly drawing for a free referral, to be held on the last day of every month.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Enroll In My Freebie Trading School For Free

When you enroll you will learn what Freebie Trading is, how you can make money doing "Trades" and how to become a profitable Freebie Trader. 

Whether you are familiar with Freebie Trading or not, this class will teach different and innovative marketing techniques on how to set up your own Freebie Trading Group, Blog, etc... and make it profitable and even earn a 4 figure income every month. 

Assignments are posted for your study reference only, laying Freebie Trading out with step-by-step instructions.

Assignments are posted on Facebook or in this blog.

You will be paid for successfully completing each of your assignments, plus be eligible for cash bonuses and free referrals. I pay only by PayPal, and am Verified by them.