Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Class Schedule

MONDAY: Introduction to Freebie Trading. Going over history of freebie trading, and how it can benefit you. Completing Offers, Referrals & Selling Freebies. How to make sure offers are credited. Assignment #1

TUESDAY: Freebie Networks, Offers & Credits. The different freebie networks and how they rate offers with credits. Freebie Network Levels. The different levels of the freebie networks and how they work. How and when to cancel an offer. Assignment #2

WEDNESDAY: Freebie Blogs, Groups, Forums, Websites & Threads. How to get freebie sites. Freebie trading, how to get started as a trader and where to trade. Setting up your own blogs, etc... Assignment #3

THURSDAY: Advertising Marketing Systems & Scams. Different ways and places to advertise and how to advertise freebies. Freebie marketing systems and what they have to offer. What to avoid and why. Assignment #4

FRIDAY: Conclusion. Open questions, suggestions and completing and turning in assignments. Tutoring available all day.

SATURDAY: Graduation Bonuses. For all students who successfully complete FOUR assignments within ONE week, they will receive a cash bonus and be entered into a monthly drawing for a free referral, to be held on the last day of every month.

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