Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Assignment #4 Advertising Marketing Systems & Scams

Different ways and places to advertise and how to advertise freebies. Freebie marketing systems and what they have to offer. What to avoid and why.

Assignment #4  Advertising Marketing Systems & Scams

1.) Register at any Freebie Network website listed in this blog.

2.) Go to the offers tab, scroll down and click on "cost" and then click on "refresh"

3.) Map out what offers you need to complete the Freebie site.

4.) Complete one offer, leave confirmation page open, and check your email for company confirmation. Save the confirmation email in a file.

5.) Complete another offer and repeat above steps to reach an amount of  Credit(s) required.

Once offers are credited, I will recieve an email informing me, and I will then request payment. Superior Freebies generally pays within an hour, so you will receive your earnings pretty quickly!

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