Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Assignment #1 Introduction to Freebie Trading

Going over history of freebie trading, and how it can benefit you. Joining and Completing Offers, Referrals & Selling Freebies. How to make sure offers are credited.

History of Freebie Trading 

Freebies are free and discounted promotions from Fortune 500 companies seeking customers. These companies pay an affiliate to locate the customers for their products and/or services (offers) by offering "freebies" or discounts. This type of targeted advertising has evolved into Freebie Trading, which simply consists of affiliates paying/trading the customers a portion of their commission for them to sample the offers. Customers are under no obligation to continue receiving the product or service beyond the trial period.

How Freebie Trading Can Benefit You

Maybe you are interested in an offer but would prefer to sample it before purchase. Not only do you receive it free or at a special discounted price, but you also earn a prize (cash) for just trying it out (you can also choose to receive a prize, ie: phone, laptop, etc... once you have completed a site and start obtaining referrals.) Additionally, you can also earn from anybody else who samples the products. The cash prizes are paid daily, with no minimum required to be paid. The coolest aspect of Freebie Trading is that if you joined a Freebie site without being referred, you AND your referral would have to complete the offers before you would be paid, but Freebie Trading allows you to earn immediately. Plus, you are actually receiving some of the money that companies spend to advertise to YOU.

Joining & Completing Offers  

The very first thing you do is use either Firefox or Opera browser and clear your cookies and disable popup blockers and firewalls. This will ensure that ALL your offers will credit properly and save unnecessary hastles. When you join the Freebie site, you will receive a special numeric code to input into the site to confirm your account. Not all Freebies sites require this to be done. Make sure to use your PayPal email in order to be paid promptly, but some Freebies sites will have additional payment options (I personally pay by PayPal only.) One you are signed in, go to the "offers" tab and scroll down and click on the search term "cost" then click on the "refresh" button. This will display all of the free offers at the top of the page. Each Freebie site requires a certain amount of Credits to be completed. Offers are labeled with Credit amounts such as; .10.20, etc... so if you need 1/2 Credit (.50) you will need to complete .20.30, etc... to complete the Freebies site and be paid. If the site requires 1 Credit (1.00) you will need to complete .50 .30 .20, etc... ( please refer to the Super Freebies Crediting file.) This same rule applys to your referrals.

Example of offers

Selling Freebies

Another way to make money from the Freebies sites is to sell the items you receive, from either the offers you complete or the "prize" you choose when you start getting signups of your own. The cool thing about this is, say for example you received a free pocket watch and paid only $4.95 for shipping and handling. You already got paid cash for completing the offer, including your investment of $4.95, so if you sell it for $10 you actually trippled your initail investment. Or say for instance, you got the required amount of referrals who completed offers and you received a laptop, you sell it for $200 and make that free. There are lots of possibilities, as the offers are updated and refreshed regularly.

How to Make Sure Offers Are Credited

I previously mentioned that you will need to use either Firefox or Opera browser and clear your cookies and disable popup blockers and firewalls. Another important step is to leave the confirmation page for completed offers open for at least 5 - 10 minutes. This allows time for the cookies to be transmitted to the site and your offers to credit properly. There may be a time when your offers do not credit. Simply copy and paste the company's confirmation email with full headers (I suggest using a gmail email account) into the Freebies site support section and offer will be credited (some Freebie sites only allow two Manual Credit Request (MCRs) per month.) In addition, only complete offers that will allow you to file an MCR, as a few don't (this will be highlighted in red.) Some offers credit "instantly and some credit with hours or days. Inbox me or contact me on Skype (julietrs3) with any questions : )

Click on "show original" to get the full headers in Gmail accounts

Offer Terms and Records

Read each offer very carefully, Is there a high authorization fee? Are there boxes checked for other offers you don't want? Does the offer have any special requirements to cancel?

Keep detailed records of all offers: Name of Freebie site, offer, date, cost, web address, phone number, any login info and cancellation date.

Please copy assignment into a group doc file and put assignment # in the subject line. Include notes about what offers you completed, etc...

A few offers I DO NOT recommend unless you plan to keep them, because they have a high authorization fee;  Grant Money Now FREE Trial Offer, Smart Retail Savings Club, Family SafeLife FREE Trial Offer.

$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Assignment #1 -

1.) Register at any Freebie Network website listed in this blog.

2.) Go to the offers tab, scroll down and click on "cost" and then click on "refresh"

3.) Map out what offers you need to complete the Freebie site.

4.) Complete one offer, leave confirmation page open, and check your email for company confirmation. Save the confirmation email in a file.

5.) Complete another offer and repeat above steps to reach an amount of  Credit(s) required.

Once offers are credited, I will recieve an email informing me, and I will then request payment. Superior Freebies generally pays within an hour, so you will receive your earnings pretty quickly!

Was this information and assignment informative and easy to understand?

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